A Special Limited Invitation
Merging with the Ocean of the Divine Qualities
A Unique Training Series for Spiritual Healing and Transformation
“God gave you life and bestowed upon you his attributes; eventually you will return to home“
– Rumi
What are the 99 Divine Names?
The Divine Names are the Essential Qualities that create our existence from the inner levels of our soul’s reality. It has been said that there are over 1000 Divine Names, but there are 99 Names that are the master essences. The Master Ingredients that create our existence.
These are considered deep blessings from God and when properly called upon, can shift your inner world and outer reality simultaneously.
Each quality brings a different ray of light, a different Quality of God. When it is invoked and received into your conscious awareness, you begin to walk closer to God on your spiritual path.
Practicing what is referred to as Dhikr (recitation) with all the names or a specific name can help to unveil and remove the obstacles between your heart and the Divine Qualities of God. You are then able to align and embody to your highest creation for your heart, soul and God.
You do not need to know about Sufism or be a Sufi in order to work with the Qualities. In the deeper reality, it’s about knowing, recognizing and working with the Qualities, and being able to return the Qualities back to God, Most High.
Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe
Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe is a physician, Sufi Master Healer, and Spiritual Guide pioneering Medical Spiritual Healing (MSH) – the integration of western medicine and spiritual practice to heal disease and improve health and wellbeing. After studying and witnessing healing from many spiritual healing traditions including Hindu, Kundalini, Homeopathy, Tibetan Medicine Buddha, Japanese Zen, Philippine psychic surgeons, South American shamans, Hawaiian Kahuna and more, Dr. Jaffe discovered the spiritual healing of the Sufis.
Courses Available:
In each video, Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe teaches three Divine Qualities and how to embody them in your daily life for a specific purpose.
Video Course 1:
Divine Qualities for Spiritual Healing:
In this video, Ibrahim introduces the Divine Names and how to beautify the heart. These are the Divine Qualities you will learn to integrate at the deepest levels of your being:
As Salaam – to bring the deep peace
An Nur – to access the Divine Light
Al Hadi – obtaining true guidance
Video Course 2:
Divine Qualities for Spiritual Transformations
In this video, Ibrahim Jaffe teaches the Divine Qualities that are essential for creating deep change and purification. The Divine Names that are covered in the course are:
- Al-Ghafur – make tawba and purification – forgiveness
- Ash-Shakur- seat of deep thankfulness. The key to a joyful life.
- Al-Wasi- live a life of harmony
Video Course 3:
Divine Qualities for Your Highest Purpose
In this video, Ibrahim teaches the Divine Qualities that are essential for finding your highest divine purpose. The Divine names that you will learn to integrate are:
- Al Karim – to receive divine generosity, building self-esteem and the self-esteem of others
- Al-Awwal – making a fresh start
- Al-Musawwir – forming a new image or creation
Divine Qualities Series
With Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe
Here is What’s Included in Each Series:
Get The First Video Course
Receive the First Course in the Series:
Divine Qualities for Spiritual Healing for a special rate of $37
Total Value: $97
Just 1 for $37
Or Upgrade Your Purchase:
To The 3-Part Video Series
Receive the Entire Bundle:
- Divine Qualities for Spiritual Healing video course.
- Divine Qualities for Spiritual Transformations video course.
- Divine Qualities for Your Highest Purpose video course.
Total Value: $197
All 3 for $97
Our Promise and 100% Guarantee
We want to make it as easy as possible to say yes and tap into these teachings that have transformed each one of us at deep levels. So, we are inviting you to try them out for 30 days. If you don’t feel that you are benefitting from the spiritual work inside we will issue you a full refund as long as it is submitted before the 30 day period is over.