Maxine Salima Adelstein M.Ed., D.D. helps people to discover and embody the deep truth of their beauty and essence through her work as a healer and teacher. She is a Murshid Murabbi Ruhi, (Sufi Spiritual Guide) in the Shadhilyya Sufi tradition, a rank given to her by her guide, Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal.
Ms. Adelstein is Co-President, chair of the Department of Spiritual Ministry and Sufi Studies and a faculty member for the University of Sufism and the Institute of Medical Spiritual Healing. She is a master healer who has helped thousands of clients heal from illness and lifelong emotional pain.
Maxine Is also the founder and spiritual director at the Farm of Peace and the International Peace Center in Pennsylvania and teaches about sufism and spiritual healing nationally and internationally. Her heart is filled with the joy and compassion that result from living in the heart of God.