Coming Soon: Day 3 Video
Help Through Patience & Prayer
Coming Soon: Day 4 Video
Prayer and the Power of Forgiveness
Coming Soon: Day 5 Video
Prayer to Create Peace Inside & Out
Welcome back to the Power of Prayer:
7 Prayers in 7 Days Sufi Challenge.
Click below to watch Day 2: Prayer in Action is Love
Coming Soon: Day 3 Video
Prayer in Action is Love
Coming Soon: Day 4 Video
Prayer & the Power of Forgiveness
Coming Soon: Day 5 Video
Prayer to Create Peace Inside & Out
In this teaching,you will learn how the power of prayer not only can change your life or heart, but also can have an effect on the collective consciousness and heart as well.
Out next video is coming soon. In that video, Salima shares a beautiful prayer that will help you when you are needing some extra spiritual nourishment or at times when you are needing to be more present in your heart.
About Your Teacher:
Salima Maxine Adelstein M.Ed., D.D.
Salima helps people to discover and embody the deep truth of their beauty and essence through her work as a healer and teacher. She is a Murshid Murabbi Ruhi, (Sufi Spiritual Guide) in the Shadhilyya Sufi tradition, a rank given to her by her guide, Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal. Her heart is filled with the joy and compassion that result from living in the heart of God.
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